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  1. Technology
April 4, 1991


By CBR Staff Writer

The world has been taught to recognise the ES, the AS, the RS and the PS, but IBM Japan has added a BS to the nomenclature. The BS/150 is a Business System that – presumably using California Software Products International Inc’s emulation software – creates a System 36 environment on a 25MHz 80386-based machine. The Business System Program/150 is the System 36 environment, and includes RPG II, screen generation programs and other utilities. The machine runs MS-DOS J4.0 and supports Basic, Cobol and C/2 as well as RPG II. Hardware consists of 4Mb processor with 80Mb to 640Mb disk, and via a team of service partners working with the IBM agent and acting as consultants in the implementation of office systems, IBM hopes to sell 10,000 of the BS/150 machines over the next two years.

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