Spectrum Cleaning and Geolocation of Pre-existing Signals
By Anritsu
To meet the demand for additional bandwidth for cellular operations and transmission, Regulatory Entities are reassigning spectrum previously used for other apps. Before a new network can be deployed with these frequencies it is critical have the new license owner confirm that all existing users have terminated with their broadcasts. A typical example is the reuse of the allocated 600 MHz frequency band in the US for LTE and 5G networks, which was previously assigned for transmission of television. Once the signs pre-existing unwanted were identified, then the new license holders must locate the source of the interfering signal. This application note highlights process and techniques to perform a spectrum cleaning sweep and the geolocation of signals with the system MX280007A (MIH) Mobile Interference HunterTM from Anritsu and the Real Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) MS2090A Field Master ProTM.
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