Cybersecurity in the Government – Managing the Ongoing Challenge of Insider Threats
Free white paper from Market Connections and SolarWinds
“We have positioned ourselves relatively strongly against external threats, but it is the accidental or malicious insider threat that has caused us more problems.”
- DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, Defence Contract Management Agency (USA)
Every day we see stories in the news about external cyber threats. Yet, government cybersecurity experts know that the people on the inside pose the greatest threat to cybersecurity—and that insider threats can be far more challenging to manage.
This free white paper presents the results of a study by Market Connections, Inc. on the challenges IT professionals face in preventing insider and external IT security threats, and ways to help mitigate this growing potential risk.
By downloading this whitepaper, you will learn:
- Which types of insider threats are of greatest concern, and most damaging
- The impact of an increasing number of mobile devices on insider threats
- Investment trends toward mitigating insider threats
- Insider threat prevention tools and techniques Federal cybersecurity managers can implement today