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We are a global water technology company committed to pioneering solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges and improving the quality of life for people.


Klar for å redusere energiforbruket og samtidig forbedre pumpesystemets effektivitet og pålitelighet?

Energiproduksjon står for 73%* av verdens klimagassutslipp. For å redusere dette må vi gjøre mer med mindre – og det er akkurat det du kan gjøre med våre energioptimaliseringstjenester. Grundfos sjekker pumpesystemet for å indentifisere skjulte energibesparelser i driften, og finner ut hvordan du kan få mest mulig ut av pumpesystemet samtidig som du reduserer CO2-utslippene. Kontakt oss for å få et pumpesystem som yter bedre over lengre tid – samtidig som du sikrer at du alltid oppfyller kravene. Last ned for å finne ut mer.

Save Water, Energy and Costs Using Pressure Management

The introduction highlights the effectiveness of pressure management in addressing issues like reducing NonRevenue Water (NRW), improving energy efficiency, and cutting operation and maintenance costs. It emphasizes the significance of precise predictive models for burst frequency and suggests that extended asset life is expected to be a significant benefit of pressure management. The article discusses challenges faced by municipalities regarding high NRW levels and inefficient management of distribution system pressures, which lead to excess leakage and infrastructure damage. It also acknowledges emerging concerns regarding water scarcity, water quality, and energy costs. Despite these challenges, there's an expectation for the water market to grow rapidly, prompting the need for new and efficient water solutions. Pressure management is recognized as crucial for optimal water supply and distribution system management, with proven benefits including water conservation, reduced bursts and leaks, lower repair costs, and improved customer service. The article aims to explain these benefits using the latest research, best practices, and advanced tools, focusing on three main areas: Non-Revenue Water, energy efficiency, and operation and maintenance costs. Download to find out more.

How the 3-inch Grundfos SQ Saved Another Old Water Well

When a submersible pump failed at Mitch Thames' countryside retreat in Texas, well driller Darrell Ferguson turned to the Grundfos SQ. The narrow 3-inch pump was the perfect solution for the rusty, constricted 4-inch casing, providing reliable water supply and exceeding expectations. Despite initial doubts about the smaller size, the Grundfos SQ delivered outstanding flow and pressure. Read how this slimline pump saved the day, offering impressive durability and performance, and why both the well owner and driller recommend it highly. Download now to get the case study.

Pumpenhandbuch Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie

Ziel dieses Konstruktionshandbuch ist es, einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Anwendungen und Prozesse im Bereich der maschinellen Bearbeitung und der Automobilbranche zu geben. Darüber hinaus sollen Grundlagen über die verschiedenen Pumpentypen und die typischen Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von Pumpen in diesen Anwendungen vermittelt werden. Abschließend werden die verschiedenen Werkstoffe beschrieben, die in diesen Prozessen verwendet werden.

E-pompen van Grundfos: een meerwaarde voor de duurzaamheidsagenda

Hoewel veel leveranciers energie-efficiënte pompen, motoren of aandrijvingen kunnen leveren, is Grundfos de enige die al deze elementen ontwikkelt, ontwerpt en produceert en ze samenbrengt in één compacte oplossing: de E-pomp. Bovendien ontwerpt Grundfos zijn E-pompen specifiek voor toepassingen in industriële processen, gebouwen en watervoorziening. Met hun superieure efficiëntie in combinatie met Grundfos iSOLUTIONS digitale cloudconnectiviteit bieden E-pompen een grote kans voor energie- en CO₂-besparingen. Ze kunnen ook de algemene systeemprestaties ten goede komen.

Bombas tipo E de Grundfos: mayor valor para la agenda de sostenibilidad de tu empresa

Aunque muchos proveedores de componentes pueden suministrar bombas, motores o variadores de alta eficiencia energética, Grundfos es el único que desarrolla, diseña y fabrica todos estos elementos y los reúne en una única solución compacta: la bomba tipo E. Además, las bombas tipo E de Grundfos están diseñadas específicamente para operar en múltiples aplicaciones y procesos industriales de todo tipo de instalaciones. Gracias a su excelente eficiencia y a las oportunidades de conectividad y control que ofrecen, las bombas tipo E suponen una gran oportunidad de ahorro de energía y emisiones de carbono, así como grandes beneficios para el rendimiento general del sistema.

How intelligent pump technology can help you achieve net zero by lowering your CO2 footprint

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a corporate climate action organization that enables companies and financial institutions worldwide to play their part in combating the climate crisis. This initiative has more than 4,000 partners (as of January 2023), all working to limit global warming to 1.5°C (the ‘Paris Agreement’) with a science-based approach. The focus is on delivering real results, not just wishful thinking. Grundfos has a sustainability strategy that has been formulated and implemented over many years, making it a natural partner of the SBT initative. In turn, Grundfos supports its business partners and customers with efficient solutions based on SBTs. This is a win-win for Grundfos as well as for operators – an opportunity to take responsibility in the climate crisis and to communicate this in the market. Download to find out more.


Poniższa biała księga opisuje wyzwania związane z wodą, przed którymi stoją takie branże jak przemysł spożywczy, farmaceutyczny, chemiczny, itp. Dokument skupia się na niezawodnej metodzie uzdatniania wody w wieżach chłodniczych, która w połączeniu z optymalizacją procesu odmulania stanowi największą szansę na poprawę efektywności wykorzystania wody. Przedstawiając spostrzeżenia i fakty oraz dane liczbowe dotyczące pracy wieży chłodniczej, w dokumencie omówiono również, w jaki sposób usługi związane z procesem uzdatniania wody mogą pomóc w rozwiązaniu potrzeb klientów.


Čerpadlo neexistuje izolovaně. Vždy je součástí většího systému, který spolupracuje s celou řadou dalších systémů. Proto při vývoji nových systémů myslíme nejen na čerpadlo, ale bereme v úvahu celý systém. Svědčí o tom naše elektronická řešení i Grundfos iSOLUTIONS. Grundfos E-solutions – integrovaná inteligence Řešení Grundfos E-solution obsahuje čerpadlo, motor a frekvenční měnič v jednom výrobku. Protože frekvenční měnič neustále přizpůsobuje otáčky čerpadla podle potřeby, je možné dosáhnout významných úspor energie čerpadla. Grundfos iSOLUTIONS – optimalizace vašeho čerpacího systému Grundfos iSOLUTIONS je nejnovějším přírustkem do portfolia Grundfos a posouvá inteligenci na zcela novou úroveň. Podle studií o úsporách energie v USA a EU spočívá největší potenciál úspor v lepším řízení systému. Komplexní přístup totiž v průměru sníží až 20 % celkové spotřeby energie vaší aplikace. V této brožuře se můžete seznámits tím, jak mohou E-solutions prospět vybraným aplikacím a jak může Grundfos iSOLUTIONS zvýšit výkon ještě více.

Grundfos SPE Pumps – Robust Motor Design

Discover how submersible motors, essential for deep well water supply, irrigation, and pressure boosting, rely on robust insulation systems to handle peak voltage levels during operation. When driven by a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), long cables can elevate these peak voltages, posing challenges for motor insulation. Learn about the two main stator types—wet-wound and potted—used in submersible motors, and how sine wave filters protect the motor insulation system from transient voltages caused by VFDs. Understand the critical role of sine wave filters in reducing detrimental voltage spikes and electromagnetic noise. Motors not designed for VFD operation without a sine wave filter are prone to insulation system failures. However, the Grundfos MS6000P motor is engineered to operate without a sine wave filter, reducing system cost and complexity. Download now to delve into the advanced design and application of submersible motors with VFDs and sine wave filters.

Smooth Remote Monitoring and Control with Grundfos Connect

Download now to learn how Jonathan King, the senior collections maintenance technician at the Peachtree City Water & Sewage Authority, ensures safe and reliable wastewater services for over 35,000 customers. Discover how the Authority, responsible for over 200 miles of pipeline and 38 pumping stations, provides essential sewage collection and treatment, prioritizing health and safety over other utilities. King highlights the critical role of advanced equipment and digital tools, particularly through their partnership with Grundfos and Goforth Williamson INC. The upgrade to Grundfos Connect has revolutionized their operations, enabling round-the-clock monitoring and control, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring reliable service. See how these digital solutions have transformed day-to-day operations and improved efficiency at Peachtree City WSA.

Des solutions intelligentes Grundfos pour chaque application industrielle

Une pompe ne peut pas fonctionner seule. Elle s’intègre toujours dans un système plus vaste et fonctionne avec d’autres composants. Chez Grundfos, lorsque nous mettons au point de nouvelles solutions, nous le faisons en prenant l’ensemble du système en considération, pas simplement la pompe. Téléchargez notre brochure pour découvrir nos solutions intelligentes dédiées pour chaque application industrielle et optimiser vos systèmes de pompage.


Die Kühlung bzw. Tiefkühlung ist sowohl in der Industrie wie auch in jedem produzierenden Gewerbe ein wachsender Markt. In diesem Leitfaden für Kühl- und Kältetechnik erklären wir kurz zugrundeliegendes zum Thema Kühlung und zur praktischen Umsetzung. Wir erläutern, wie die Anlagen/Pumpen gesteuert und geregelt werden und wie sich dies auf den Energieverbrauch auswirkt. Sie erfahren auch, welche Pumpen für welche Anwendungen am besten geeignet sind. Das Whitepaper herunterladen

Grundfos Machine Tool Pumping Solutions

Pump operation plays an important role in any efficient operating machine centre. In general, pumps have three functions in a machine centre: to cool the process, to lubricate the tools and finally to bring the liquid to the filter and back. These processes are very important because they are an integral part of maintaining a fast production, minimising downtimes and prolonging tool life. In addition, they must be done with energy efficiency and at the lowest possible total cost. Download to find out more.

Grundfos: Montrez l’exemple en matière de développement durable en réutilisant l’eau

La croissance démographique et l’urbanisation ont entraîné une augmentation de la demande mondiale pour l’une de nos ressources les plus précieuses : l’eau. Pour répondre à l’un des besoins les plus fondamentaux de la société tout en préservant la santé de notre planète, nous devons nous tourner vers l’avenir. L’avenir ce sont les eaux usées.  En changeant notre regard sur les eaux usées, les industries peuvent donner l’exemple. Elles peuvent réutiliser l’eau et ainsi réduire la consommation mondiale d’eau. Les systèmes de réutilisation de l’eau sont conçus pour éliminer les contaminants des eaux usées. L’eau décontaminée peut ensuite être réutilisée à diverses fins : nettoyage, assainissement, irrigation et lavage des palettes. De tels systèmes peuvent contribuer non seulement à réduire la consommation d’eau, mais aussi à augmenter l’efficacité énergétique et opérationnelle du processus de production, tout en garantissant une utilisation de l’eau sûre. Téléchargez notre livre blanc pour en savoir plus et lancez-vous, dès aujourd’hui, sur le chemin d’un avenir plus vert.

La trasformazione digitale è un processo complesso e non esiste una bacchetta magica…!

Se fai parte di una grande organizzazione, probabilmente avrai sentito dire: “dobbiamo cominciare il nostro viaggio digitale, e subito”; in molti casi potrebbero avere ragione, ma da dove iniziare e cosa deve essere digitalizzato? Le aree della digitalizzazione possono riguardare molti aspetti dell’azienda: l’ottimizzazione della produzione, la tracciabilità dei prodotti, l’agenda di sostenibilità, una maggiore interazione dei clienti con la pagina web della società o magari la ricerca della giusta offerta digitale per migliorare il portafoglio di prodotti esistente con un digital layer, ecc…

Aufbau von resilienten Fertigungsvorgängen mit Grundfos Machine Health

Werden Sie mit resilienter Planung leistungsfähiger und weniger störanfällig bei Ereignissen wie Handelskonflikten, gestörten Lieferketten oder Cyberattacken. Hierzu wird oft der Einblick in den Maschinenzustand vermisst und wie dieser verbessert werden kann. Um resilient zu werden, müssen relevante Echtzeitdaten analysiert und daraus Erkenntnisse zur vorausschauenden Planung gewonnen werden. Die Situation, dass kritische Aggregate wie die Pumpensysteme ausfallen und es zum Produktionsstillstand kommt, gilt es zu verhindern. Grundfos hat dafür eine intelligente Lösung.

Grundfos E-pumps: Superior value for the sustainability agenda

Customers are calling for climate action – from manufacturers, water utilities and building owners. Shareholders want it. The United Nations’ climate reports continue to give dire warnings – “Every tonne of CO₂ emissions adds to global warming,” says a headline in the 2021 report, recommending urgent action. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are driving that action. In response, companies all over the world are pursuing new ways to be more sustainable. They are forming new visions and strategies based around the SDGs. They are pledging bold CO₂-reduction targets and energy-saving goals. While there are many low-hanging fruits in ways to save energy and cut carbon, there is a major, often overlooked opportunity for nearly every factory, building or utility: the pumps, their processes and the potential for savings. Download the whitepaper to find out more.

Industrie: In Sachen Nachhaltigkeit vorangehen. Thema Wasserwiederverwendung

Unsere Wasserressourcen stehen unter großem Druck. Das ist angesichts eines erwarteten Bevölkerungswachstums von 2 Mrd. Menschen bis 2050 und der Tatsache, dass mindestens 14 der weltweit 20 Megastädte bereits Probleme mit dem Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser und zu Sanitäreinrichtungen haben, nicht verwunderlich. Zusätzlich erhöht wird der Druck durch die anhaltende Wasserverschmutzung und den übermäßigen Wasserverbrauch. Deswegen befindet sich die Welt inmitten einer Wasserkrise. Hier kommt die Wiederverwendung von Wasser ins Spiel. Um den globalen Bedarf an gesundem Wasser nachhaltig zu decken, muss die Gesellschaft – und insbesondere die Industrie – Abwasser so aufbereiten, dass es wiederverwendet werden kann. Auf diese Weise kann eine hohe Lebensqualität erreicht werden. Um den globalen Bedarf an gesundem Wasser nachhaltig zu decken, muss die Gesellschaft – und insbesondere die Industrie – Abwasser so aufbereiten, dass es wiederverwendet werden kann. Auf diese Weise kann eine hohe Lebensqualität erreicht werden.

Maximiser l’efficacité avec PIQ: un livre blanc de Grundfos sur la réutilisation de l’eau

L’eau est une nécessité si fondamentale pour la vie qu’elle est souvent considérée comme allant de soi. Dans les sociétés industrielles modernes, l’eau de chaque robinet est censée être si pure que nous pouvons la boire sans hésiter. Cependant, la réalité est bien plus compliquée. L’humanité est de plus en plus consciente que l’eau douce est rare et que le processus de traitement de l’eau revêt une importance vitale pour nous tous. La consommation d’eau sur le marché industriel contribue grandement à la consommation mondiale d’eau et Grundfos y accorde donc une attention particulière. Téléchargez le livre blanc pour en savoir plus sur les offres Gurndfos pour la réutilisation de l'eau via PIQ

5 Façons dont les pompes peuvent aider à alimenter votre transformation en matière de développement durable

Les pompes obsolètes vous retiennent. Lorsqu’elles cessent de fonctionner, vos processus le font aussi. Et la technologie des pompes d’hier ne vous aidera pas à atteindre les objectifs de développement durable de demain. En fait, les pompes peuvent représenter 40 % de la consommationd’énergie industrielle*, ce qui signifie que les anciennes pompes peuvent entraîner des coûts commerciaux importants et une empreinte carbone importante. Les nouvelles pompes sont l’un des investissements les plus percutants que vouspuissiez faire pour réduire la consommation globale d’énergie et d’eau, améliorerl’efficacité, assurer la fiabilité et rendre votre entreprise plus durable pour l’avenir. Comme vous le constaterez, Grundfos et PIQ disposent des produits, de l'expertise et de l'accent mis sur l'innovation nécessaires pour vous aider à propulser votre transformation à grande échelle durable.

5 ways pumps can help power your sustainability transformation

Outdated pumps are holding you back. When they stop working, so do your processes. And yesterday’s pump technology won’t help you meet tomorrow’s sustainability goals. In fact, pumps may account for 40% of industrial energy use,* which means that old pumps can bring significant business costs and a substantial carbon footprint. New pumps are one of the most impactful investments you can make to reduce overall energy and water consumption, improve efficiency, ensure reliability, and make your business more sustainable for the future. Look for a provider that doesn’t just offer pumps but serves as a partner to help you meet long-term goals. As you’ll see, Grundfos has the products, the expertise and the focus on innovation needed to help power your sustainability transformation. Download to find out more about Grundfos sustainable solutions through PIQ

RSI Provides Fully Automated Off-Grid Water Supply for TX Cattle Operation

Experience the remarkable transformation brought by our solar-powered water supply system, expertly installed by Brien Water Wells & Irrigation. Located on a sprawling 900-acre cattle ranch just north of Marlin, TX, this innovative solution serves as a beacon of sustainability and efficiency. By downloading this content, you'll uncover the inspiring story of a fifth-generation water well service company answering the call for cost reduction and water supply independence. Delve into the technical details of a submersible well pump, connected storage tanks, and automated water troughs – all orchestrated to operate seamlessly without the reliance on utility power or municipal water. Don't miss the chance to explore this remarkable example of self-sufficiency; download now and be part of the future of sustainable water management!


El agua es una necesidad tan básica para la vida que a menudo se da por sentada. En las sociedades industriales modernas, se espera que el agua de cada grifo sea tan pura que podamos beberla sin pensarlo dos veces. Sin embargo, la realidad es mucho más complicada. La humanidad es cada vez más consciente de que el agua dulce es una rareza, y el proceso de tratamiento de agua es de vital importancia para todos nosotros. El consumo de agua en el mercado industrial contribuye en gran medida al consumo global de agua, y por lo tanto, Grundfos está poniendo especial atención a esto.

A Story of Hope and Renewal: Grundfos and Water Well Trust Bring Clean Water to the Quabner Family

In a world where access to clean and safe water is a basic necessity, the Quabner family had been living without it for two long years. Their lives were forever changed when a devastating wildfire, sparked by a seemingly innocent act, consumed their home in Nevada City, California. Misty Quabner and her family faced unimaginable challenges as they coped with the aftermath of the fire. But hope arrived in the form of a collaboration between Grundfos, the leading provider of pumping solutions, the Water Well Trust, an organization dedicated to bringing clean water to those in need, and the dedicated individuals from Connecting Point and Peter's Well Drilling and Pump Service. Download to find out more.

Take control of Industrial Cooling with Intelligence

Cooling and/or refrigeration is present in some form in almost every industrial production or process facility. The purpose of industrial cooling is to cool and remove heat from industrial machines, such as welding and injection molding machines, as well as industrial processes, including dairy, chemical and fermentation. Cooling is part of a wide range of processes and industries, meaning the cooling industry is rather fragmented and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work. As pumps play a large role in industrial cooling systems, this document will offer an overview of the typical areas where pumps impact performance and the benefits of variable speed pumps from Grundfos. Download to find out more.

Maximizing Efficiency with PIQ: A Grundfos White Paper on Water Reuse

As we all know, water is a fundamental necessity that is sometimes taken for granted. We often consume or use water without an understanding of where it comes from, or the efforts taken to ensure a particular water quality. However, reality is quite contrary, and as the awareness to water scarcity becomes more of a social and political topic, we strive to learn the importance of water treatment – especially in industrial markets. Due to extremely high levels of water consumption, the industrial marketplace is on the forefront of investing and implementing new, and more sustainable technologies around water reuse. Water Reuse (or reclamation) is the act of recycling water from a given process, and “reusing” it for a variety of purposes such as: wash down, potable water supplies, industrial processes, and even environmental restoration. Due to the sensitive nature of water consumption concerns, Grundfos has strengthened its commitment to more sustainable solutions, particularly for Industrial Water Reuse through PIQ. The purpose of this technical white paper (“Grundfos’ Solutions for Industrial Water Reuse”) is to highlight the growing water scarcity concerns, detail specific processes within industrial water treatment, along with showcasing the Grundfos product portfolio, and how its best suited to support this initiative. Please download to find out more on Grundfos offerings through PIQ

Grundfos E-pumps: Superior value for the sustainability agenda

Combining energy efficient pumps, motors, drives and controls into a solution that adds more value, more efficiency, more energy savings and a lower carbon footprint. While many component suppliers can deliver energy efficient pumps, motors or drives, Grundfos is the only one who develops, designs and manufactures all of these elements and puts them together into one compact solution: the E-pump. Furthermore, Grundfos designs its E-pumps specifically for applications in industrial processes, buildings and water supply. With their superior efficiency paired with Grundfos iSOLUTIONS digital cloud connectivity, E-pumps offer a major opportunity for energy and carbon savings. They can also benefit overall system performance. Download to find out more.


Cuando sus bombas dejan de funcionar, también lo hacen sus procesos. Y eso es un problema cuando se trabaja duro para cumplir objetivos ambiciosos de sostenibilidad. Las bombas representan hasta un 40 % del uso de energía industrial (de acuerdo al Instituto hidráulico - The Hydraulic Institute), lo que significa que tienen una gran huella de carbono. Afortunadamente, la tecnología de bombas constantemente está abriendo nuevos caminos, y las nuevas bombas son una de las inversiones más impactantes que puede hacer para reducir el consumo total de energía y agua, mejorar la eficiencia, garantizar la confiabilidad y hacer que su negocio sea más sostenible y rentable para el futuro. Descargue nuestro libro electrónico y descubra cuán cruciales son las bombas adecuadas para asegurar su transformación de sostenibilidad.

5 ways pumps can help power your sustainability transformation

When your pumps stop working, so do your processes. And that’s a problem when you’re working hard to meet ambitious sustainability goals. Pumps account for as much as 40% of industrial energy use (according to The Hydraulic Institute), which means they carry a large carbon footprint. Fortunately, pump technology is constantly breaking new ground, and new pumps are one of the most impactful investments you can make to reduce overall energy and water consumption, improve efficiency, ensure reliability, and make your business more sustainable and profitable for the future. Download our e-book and find out how crucial the right pumps are to secure a sustainable transformation.

5 ways pumps can help power your sustainability transformation

When your pumps stop working, so do your processes. And that’s a problem when you’re working hard to meet ambitious sustainability goals. Pumps account for as much as 40% of industrial energy use (according to The Hydraulic Institute), which means they carry a large carbon footprint. Fortunately, pump technology is constantly breaking new ground, and new pumps are one of the most impactful investments you can make to reduce overall energy and water consumption, improve efficiency, ensure reliability, and make your business more sustainable and profitable for the future. Download our e-book and find out how crucial the right pumps are to secure a sustainable transformation.

Take Control of Industrial Cooling with Intelligence

Cooling and/or refrigeration is present in some form in almost every industrial production or process facility. The purpose of industrial cooling is to cool and remove heat from industrial machines, such as welding and injection molding machines, as well as industrial processes, including dairy, chemical and fermentation. Cooling is part of a wide range of processes and industries, meaning the cooling industry is rather fragmented and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t always work. As pumps play a large role in industrial cooling systems, this document will offer an overview of the typical areas where pumps impact performance and the benefits of variable speed pumps from Grundfos. Download to find out more.

Protected: Data Analytics for Water & Wastewater Network Monitoring and Asset Management

Less than 1% of available data is effectively used*. The cost of this could run into hundreds of millions of dollars because prediction, prioritizing and planning suffer from non-datadriven decisions. Increasingly, water utilities are harnessing the power of this data; the digital utility is becoming a reality. Grundfos has entered a strategic partnership with Baseform to bring powerful digital services to water utilities. The Grundfos global value proposition is being up-scaled to serve the water digital market with Grundfos Utility Analytics, a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine-learning asset management technology provided by Baseform. Grundfos Utility Analytics facilitates comprehensive system monitoring, real time updates, sophisticated system analysis, and pre-emptive problem solving, ultimately saving utility companies time, hassle, and money—if they act on the diagnoses and information provided.

Protected: So können Wartungstechniker mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz die Gesamtanlageneffektivität maximieren

Dieses Whitepaper erläutert, wie fortschrittliche Überwachungslösungen Störungen bei kritischen Aggregaten frühzeitig vorhersagen können. Dadurch sind Wartungstechniker in der Lage, die Gesamtanlageneffektivität (overall equipment effectiveness, kurz OEE) zu maximieren und die Lebensdauer der Anlagen zu verlängern. Auch lässt sich dadurch der Wert der Anlagen erhöhen, weil ungeplante Stillstände durch eine kundenspezifische, datenbasierte Strategie für die vorausschauende Wartung vermieden werden. Laut Brancheninformationen können solche Lösungen die Anlagenverfügbarkeit um 45 % erhöhen sowie Ausfälle um 75 %, Wartungskosten um 30% und den Energieverbrauch um 20 % reduzieren. Dadurch können die OEE optimiert und unvorhergesehene Störungen verhindert werden. Neben Effizienzsteigerungen und einer verbesserten Wartungsplanung können Wartungstechniker für mehr Sicherheit sorgen sowie Ihre Umweltrisiken minimieren, indem sie den Zustand der Maschinen optimieren.

Protected: Conduzca La Sostenibilidad A Traves De La Reutilizacion Del Agua en Su Planta Industrial

Con un crecimiento demográfico previsto de 2.000 millones de personas para el año 2050, y con al menos 14 de las 20 megaciudades del mundo enfrentando a problemas de acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento, nuestros recursos hídricos están sometidos a una gran presión. Además, el desafío continuo de la contaminación del agua y el consumo excesivo aumentan aún más esta presión, lo que deja al mundo en medio de una crisis de escasez de agua. Ahí es donde entra en juego la reutilización del agua. Para satisfacer la demanda mundial de agua de forma saludable y sostenible, la sociedad – y las industrias en particular – deben tratar las aguas residuales con el objetivo final de reutilizarlas. De este modo, se garantiza el mantenimiento de nuestra calidad de vida en general. Descubra cómo Grundfos puede ayudar su industria a implementar sistemas de reutilización de agua a través de sistemas de bombeo inteligentes y eficientes accediendo a nuestro documento técnico. Para satisfacer la demanda mundial de agua de forma saludable y sostenible, la sociedad - y las industrias en particular - deben tratar las aguas residuales con el objetivo final de reutilizarlas. De este modo, se garantiza el mantenimiento de nuestra calidad de vida en general.

Protected: Take The Lead On Sustainability Through Water Reuse in Your Industrial Production

With expected population growth of 2bn by 2050, and at least 14 of the world’s 20 megacities already facing issues surrounding access to safe drinking water and sanitation, our water resources are under great pressure. Furthermore, the ongoing challenge of water pollution and overconsumption increase this pressure, which leave the world in the midst of a water scarcity crisis. Which is where water reuse comes in. To meet global demand for water in a healthy and sustainable manner, society – and industries in particular – must treat wastewater with the end goal of reusing it. Thereby ensuring our overall quality of life can be maintained. Find out how Grundfos can help your industry implement water reuse systems through smart and efficient pumping systems by accessing our whitepaper.

Protected: Seja Líder Em Sustentabilidade Através Da Reutilização De Água em Sua Planta Industrial

Com um crescimento populacional de 2bi até 2050, e com pelo menos 14 das 20 mega cidades já enfrentando problemas em relação ao acesso a água potável segura e saneamento, nossas fontes de água estão sob grande pressão. Além disso, o desafio constante de poluição de água e o consumo excessivo aumentam ainda mais esta pressão, o que deixa o mundo no meio de uma crise de escassez de água. E é onde a reutilização de água entra em ação. Para dar conta da demanda global de água de uma maneira saudável e sustentável, a sociedade – e principalmente as indústrias – devem tratar a água residual com o objetivo final de reutilizá-la. Deste modo, podemos garantir nossa qualidade geral de vida. Descubra como a Grundfos pode ajudar a sua industria a implementar sistemas de reúso de água através de sistemas de bombeamento inteligentes e eficientes acessando nosso whitepaper.


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