Two robots armed with clipboards, used to illustrate a story about the Tech Monitor audience survey.
Tech Monitor has a new audience survey. Budget for robot pollsters has yet to be approved. (Photo by Shutterstock)
[Taps clipboard

Here at Tech Monitor, we strive to provide best-in-class coverage of key trends taking place across the varied landscape of business technology, from the generative AI revolution and the most exciting breakthroughs in quantum computing to the latest developments occurring in cloud and cybersecurity. Going into 2024, we also want to learn more about you, the reader: what articles we published that you loved (or hated); what tech trends you want to read more about in the future; and how best we can reach you.  

To that end, we’ve put together a new audience survey to help us understand the answers to these questions and more. It only takes 10 minutes to fill out, and to sweeten the deal we’re throwing in the chance to win a free annual subscription to our sister publication, the New Statesman. Needless to say, all your responses will be securely stored in line with our data privacy policy

Happy box ticking! 

All the best, 

Greg Noone 

Features Editor, Tech Monitor