Developing Your Mobile Sensor Strategy Journey for Better Study Outcomes
By Medidata
Several key factors have accelerated the uptake of digital health technologies (DHTs) in clinical trials, including an increased market demand in general for digital technologies, the COVID-19 pandemic, and increased acceptance of DHTs by regulators.
Despite a well-documented array of benefits of DHTs in clinical trials, the life science industry must overcome some important challenges to fully unleash their potential. Given the aggressive growth of DHTs (which can include any connected health device) in clinical trials, coupled with an increasingly large selection of possible devices, this white paper highlights key factors that should be taken into consideration as Sponsors and CROs develop their DHT strategy.
Planning your data strategy prior to starting a trial will maximize the opportunity that your DHT will provide high quality and compliant data that can effectively withstand regulatory scrutiny. Robust planning allows clinical trial teams to mitigate risks, such as ensuring that optimal devices are selected based on specific study and patient needs, and that the devices can be seamlessly integrated into the workflow.
Download this white paper today.