WebEx is a communication and collaboration company owned by Cisco.

The company provides on-demand collaboration, online meeting, web conferencing and videoconferencing applications. All products sit under the Cisco collaboration portfolio.

WebEx was founded in 1996 by Subrah Iyar and Min Zhu under the name ActiveTouch. As the company shifted to a SaaS business model, the name WebEx was coined and adopted. In 2007, Cisco bought WebEx for $3.2 billion.


How can you use a virtual whiteboard with WebEx?

WebEx is also used to refer to the web and video conferencing offering sold by Cisco. Cisco WebEx products can be purchased individually and used alone, or can be combined with other WebEx products and used as part of an ecosystem.

One of the most popular products offered by Cisco WebEx is the online meeting offering. Different viewing modes, shared screens and multiple feeds come as standard with any paid subscription, with Cisco stating:

“You can switch presenters, share what’s on your desktop or an application, annotate documents together, sketch ideas on a virtual whiteboard, record meetings and organise or join meetings from your smartphone or tablet.”