Siri is a smart virtual assistant by Apple.

Siri is a computer program developed by Apple that works as an intelligent personal assistant on iOS, watchOS and tvOS.

Siri uses a natural language interface which provides users with answers and recommendations to questions asked through their device, be it an iPhone, Apple Watch or iPad.

The software adapts to the user’s individual language style and search preferences which allows for more tailored results. Siri can also be personalised by the user, with several accent and gender combinations available for the smart personal assistant.


What is meaning of life according to Siri?

Siri Inc initially launched the personal assistant as an iOS app in the App Store, with the company then acquired by Apple in April 2010. Siri has been included in all mobile Apple hardware manufactured from 2012 and on.

Apple integrates with default iOS functionality like contacts and text messages, while also supporting search from Google Apple Maps and Wikipedia.

It is reasonably well-known that Siri has a number of pre-programmed responses to certain questions. For example, ask Siri ‘what is the meaning of life’ to get a question linked with the Hitchhikers’s Guide to the Galaxy.