Supervisory control and data acquisition, also known as SCADA, is an industrial automation control system.

Its applications are vast, but with the rise of the IoT, SCADA systems are become more pervasive and crucial.

For example, in the smart city the used of SCADA systems spans from energy grids, to transportation systems, water management processes and utilities.

Click next to read how SCADA works.

In order to work, SCADA needs several sensors feeding data into the system. Operators might also put in data manually.

Once the data makes it to the system, this is sent to programmable logic controllers or remote terminal units, which then send that information to computers with SCADA software through LAN or WAN networks.

The final product will be visually displayed to operators, which will then be able to put in place the right measures to improve overall efficiency and reduce waste of water, power, and more.

Yet, while considering all these technologies, those building the cities of tomorrow need to also elaborate a strong smart city security roadmap from the beginning.