NoSQL typically refers to an approach to data management and database design that is useful for dealing with large sets of distributed data.

A NoSQL database is a class of database management systems that does not follow all of the rules of a relational DBMS, meaning that it doesn’t use the traditional SQL to query data.

These types of databases are typically well suited for use with very large databases due to the problems caused by the limitations of SQL and the relational model of databases.

But what are the key advantages of a NoSQL database? Find out on the next page.

NoSQL is focused on particular classes of problems such as being more flexible about stored data in document stores, to targeting use cases like relationships between data, this is a common feature of graph databases.

Aggregating data in column databases and simplifying the idea of a database down to something that stores a value, such as in key/value stores, are also two common use cases.

One of the key advantages of a NoSQL database is that it offers rapid scalability compared to relational database management systems.