NGINX is a web server that can act as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols.

In addition to this is can also act as a load balancer and an HTTP cache.

Created in 2002, NGINX (pronounced engine) runs on Unix, Linux, BSD variants, OS X, Windows and more.

The free and open source software can be used to server dynamic HTTP content on the network using FASTCGI, SCGI handlers for scripts, WSGI application servers or Phusion Passenger modules.

NGINX is popular, want to know how popular? Find out on the next page.

The web server uses an asynchronous event-driven approach to handling requests, similar to the Apache HTTP Server Event MPM model.

NGINX is one of the most popular web servers across active sites, with around 15% of sites using it and 23% of the top million busiest sites.

Additional features of NGINX include static file serving, SSL/TLS support, virtual hosts, compression, access controls, compression, custom logging, and FLV streaming.