In computing hibernation refers to the action of powering down a machine while keeping the computer’s last open windows still working.
Once the user initiates the hibernation mode, all RAM data is automatically saved in the hard disk.
When the user switches the computer back on, the system will show exactly the same pages that where open before hibernation was started.
Hibernation is a way of saving power and at the same time save time so the user does not have to open all pages every time he/she opens the computer.
In Windows, hibernation uses the least amount of power compared to all other power-saving modes such as sleep mode.
According to Microsoft, sleep is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when users want to start working again.
To wake up a computer from hibernation, usually pressing the power button works. Other machines will only require users to move the mouse or press a keyboard key. With laptops, simply opening the lid also wakes up the machine.