Change management is an approach to managing transitions in an organisation for individuals and the company as a whole.

Basically it is required when undergoing any change in a business or during a project. It can also be referred to as the controlled identification and implementation of changes in a computer system.

It involves directing the use of resources, business process, budget allocations for three aims: adapting to change, controlling change and effecting change. The organisation designs procedures for successfully coping with changes.

What happens without change management?

An approach to change management will involve many different disciplines, including behavioural and social sciences such as psychology, technological knowledge of information technology and business management.

Method123 president and CEO Jason Westland said that the organisation that is not ready to handle change on their projects is going to see high percentages of their projects go over budget and way off schedule due to unchecked scope creep.

“Proactively having a change management process in place is your best defense and our new template release can help you set that up,” Westland said.