Enterprise in its essence means the same as company or a business.
However, while a company works with the sole intention to generate new revenue streams, an enterprise covers much more than that and can be applied to entrepreneurs that are willing to take risks.
The term is also often used to describe smaller organisations and/or startups, carrying with it the idea of entrepreneurship.
Click next to find what enterprise means in the IT space.
In the IT industry, an enterprise is classified as a large organisation that uses computers to perform its tasks.
Usually, when enterprise IT is mentioned, it refers to the hardware and software used in those sort of organisations.
The enterprise IT space is a multibillion-dollar market with spending in 2015 amounting to $308bn, according to Statista.
For 2016, investments are expected to reach $321bn ahead of 2018’s $361bn and 2020’s $409bn.
This is also a space full of heavy M&A activity from all sorts of companies, large or small.