AJAX works in the background on web pages to update a page without having to reload it.
Ajax is a client-side script that allows content on web pages to update according to a user’s action without the page having to be refreshed.
A stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and is basically a technique that allows for the creation of faster and more interactive websites.
The script communicates to and from the server or database without the need for either a postback or page refresh.
This deals with a limitation of HTTP, which requires the user to wait for a full page to load.
What is Ajax made of?
A browser accessing an application with Ajax will load the Ajax engine, displaying the page to the user, rather than loading a traditional web page. The engine runs in the background, using JavaScript to communicate with the browser.
The web development technique is made up of several different web technologies. It uses HTML and CSS in combination to mark up and style information, while the DOM is accessed with JavaScript for dynamic display.
Ajax also uses JavaScript and XML HttpRequest object to exchange data asynchronously between the browser and the server.