A GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format, is a set of pictures that combined create an interruptible loop of motion.

GIFs where introduced by CompuServe back in 1987, and as the internet grew they become an important way of communication, messaging and social media content amongst internauts.

A GIF file is usually saved under .gif, and the file itself is light compared to other media resources, hence being widely use on social media.

The latest release of this technology was in 1989 and it is called 89a, replacing the original 87a.

Much debate has gone into the pronunciation of the acronym GIF itself. According to Mashable, 70% of the world’s population pronounces GIF "ghif" giving the G a hard sound.

The correct pronunciation, according to the creator of graphics interchange formats is "jiff", however, only 30% of people say it this way.

In the UK 83% of the population spells GIF wrong, Mashable has found.