A domain, or more commonly referred to as a domain name, is essentially the URL of a webpage.
However, domains are used to make IP addresses more easy to memorise and use.
For example, it is much easier to open cbronline.com than 567.432.123.342/mysite. Here cbronline.com is the domain name.
Every domain name is followed by a suffix that either shows the country where the website is based and/or intended to. This is known as top level domain, which can also take the form a gov, edu, org and so on.
Today, there are over one billion domain names online and over 3.2bn internet users worldwide, according to Internet Live Stats.
Domains date back to 1991, when physicist Tim Berners-Lee created the first website, info.cern.ch. That same year, the WWW Project was created.
Most of today’s websites are hosted in open source platforms including Apache or nginx.
Some of the most popular domains on the internet include Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, Google and Amazon, Dropbox and Pinterest.