4D, or fourth dimension, is essentially the same as 3D with the addition of time dimension. The physical object becomes unified with space and time in a 4D continuum. That is spacetime.
4D is usually referred back to the 4D Euclidean space, which in mathematics is the Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, as well as the generalisations of these notions to higher dimensions.
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In the film industry, 4D is the next natural evolution step. Based on 3D technology, 4D entertainment will not only use motion pictures to enhance the illusion of depth perception, but also add physical experiences.
These experiences include the recreation of rain, wind, fog, scents, vibration, lighting, and many others.
A typical 4D cinema will have the most up-to-date sound system, project and screen technology. It will also have a movable platform where the seating area is, and on that platform other effects such as fog, water and wind machines can be embedded. Other special effects machines can also be installed across the venue.