NuMega Technologies Inc says NuMega SmartCheck for Visual Basic is the first run-time debugging tool for Microsoft Corp’s popular development product, and intended to provide in-depth analysis of programming errors. SmartCheck has been designed to solve specific problems unique to VB programmers. The product will automatically detect and diagnose Visual Basic run-time errors, giving exact problem descriptions and instructions on how to solve the problem rather than vague, numbered error messages, the company says. New Hampshire-based NuMega claims it is the technology and market share leader in the development of Windows- based advanced error detection and debugging tools. The new tool is a further move into the VB market for the company, which acquired VB/FailSafe and VB/CodeReview products with its purchase of Marquis Computing Inc in December of last year. The company has until now been associated with advanced error detection and debugging for developers using C, C++ and Delphi. However, now that Visual Basic 5.0 has begun to be used as a serious enterprise development tool, NuMega is reacting to what it sees as the needs of that sector. Initially SmartCheck will be aimed at enterprise users, but eventually NuMega hope that it will be used by the full spectrum of VB users from serious professional to experimenting amateur. Targeting the enterprise market – and the higher revenues within that sector – is consistent with the company’s ambitions to push its revenue figure past $20m this year, as it sets its sights on a possible future initial public offering. NuMega raised $10m in a deal with Technology Crossover Ventures last month. The company says this money will be used to fund investments in operations, marketing, sales and engineering. SmartCheck is priced at $539 and will be available in early October.