Digital Equipment Corp has been threatening to get serious in the notebook computer market with its own products for a year or three now, and yesterday the company launched a new line of colour and monochrome notebooks starting at $1,700. The new boxes are the 33MHz 80486-based DECpc 433 SE Mono and DECpc 433 SE Color, the latter with dual-scan passive matrix colour display. The machines feature enhanced graphics on a 9.5 screen, Type III PCMCIA slot, built-in trackball, 4Mb memory, 120Mb or 200Mb disk and MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 pre-installed. The monochrome models weigh 5.5 lbs and measure 8.8 by 11.7 by 1.5, the colour models weight 6.2 lbs and measure 8.8 by 11.7 by 1.7. They’re ready now.