ZyMOS Corp, Sunnyvale, California claims its System 90/X personal computer building block chip set is significantly more highly-integrated and enables higher levels of performance than have hitherto been possible from 80386 machines. The first member of the line is the System 90/SX for the 80386SX, and sets for the full 80386 and for the 80486 will follow. The company asserts that most 80386 chip sets are only enhanced versions of 80286 sets but that the 90/SX was designed from the ground up to optimise 80386SX system performance. It consists of Peripheral Co-processor, Intelligent Look-Ahead Memory Co-processor and a high performance Expansion Bus Interface Chip, and ZyMOS claims that an entire 80386SX AT-alike can be implemented with the 90/SX, the CPU itself, one BIOS ROM, a keyboard controller and memory. ZyMOS never gives pricing or ship dates on any of its products.