ZTE, a provider of telecommunications equipment and network services, has said that it would launch its smartphones under the ZTE brand name in the UK.

Founded in 1985, ZTE is China’s largest listed telecom equipment company. It provides budget smartphones to resellers in the UK and other parts of the world.

Now ZTE expects that by selling smartphones under its own name would help the company "become a household name synonymous with high-quality smart phones and tablets".

The company announced that it has entered into an agreement with distributor Brightpoint European Regional Services to sell its products in the UK.

The company said that the deal marks an important milestone for ZTE in increasing the company’s penetration of the UK market.

ZTE aims to increase global handsets sales this year by 33% to 80 million units.

In 2010, the company recorded revenue of RMB 70.26bn. Revenue from its international operations grew 27.45% to RMB38.06bn and accounted for 54.18% of total operating revenue.

The company says on its website about last years revenue, "For the first time, the US and European markets contributed the largest portion of overseas revenue. These markets recorded year-on-year growth of 50% which accounted for 21% of total operating revenue."