ZTE and Italian telecommunication company Tiscali have signed an agreement to extend ultra-wide broadband in Italy, starting with the development of an FTTH network in Sardinia.

ZTE said that the partnership with Tiscali will include collaboration from a technology and trade/financial standpoint to evaluate, study and design NxG services that Tiscali can provide to its customer base.

In the first phase of project, Tiscali and ZTE will implement a fiber optic network in Sardinia, taking advantage of ongoing work for local gas network in the extended Cagliari area, which includes around 50 thousand lines of LLU (local loop unbundling) coverage.

This project, designed both by Tiscali and ZTE, will be inserted into the context of the other licenced operators in Italy that are on the frontline asking government and institutions to establish a fiber optic network.

Tiscali CEO Renato SORU said, the company is working with ZTE to set up a network open to all the operators and hopes that it will be part of the wider national network.