Per-Se is using its pharmacy transaction clearinghouse ‘Intelligent Network’, to provide secure access to patient eligibility data and medication history information from health plans and third-party payers, including pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs).

One of those PBMs is Prime Therapeutics, which is aligned with nine Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. With access to Per-Se’s network, ZixCorp will now be able to provide physician clients with ‘PocketScript’ electronic prescribing services for these additional nine Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.

Our network helps physicians and pharmacists optimize patient care by increasing access to information that helps to reduce potentially harmful drug interactions and reduce patient costs for prescriptions, said Scott MacKenzie, president of Per-Se’s Pharmacy Solutions Division.

PocketScript aims to improve patient safety and reduce costs by allowing physicians to write electronic prescriptions through a handheld device, and then send them immediately to pharmacies. During the prescribing process, the application provides real-time formulary information, a drug reference guide, drug-to-drug and drug-to-allergy checking, and patient-specific drug-dispensed lists.