It may come as something of a surprise that there is still demand for the Z80 8-bit microprocessor (although Computergram is still produced entirely on a Z80-based machine and will continue to be until someone has the sense to come up with a desk-top publishing program that doesn’t waste hours of the user’s precious time by treating creation and page make-up as separate activities – as well as time, WYSIWYG wastes vast quantities of computer power and is needed only by six-year-olds and those who can’t hold an idea in their heads for more than a minute) – and Zilog Inc, still plugging away over there in Campbell, California has a new Z84CO1 6MHz version of the part that includes a clock generator controller and four power-down modes on chip; it costs $2.30 in a 44-pin PLCC and $3.00 in a 44-pin quad flat pack when you buy 100-up.