Ziff-Davis Publishing Co will bring out a new on-line information service called Interchange Online Network aimed at experienced computer users: the Windows version will be commercially available next autumn; Interchange is organised into special interest content areas, the first being personal computing, and will offer news, securities information, special packages and a reference library from 1,000 business, health and consumer publications from Ziff’s stable and from other houses; it will require an 80386 machine, Windows 3.1, VGA monitor, 4Mb RAM, 10Mb free hard disk space and a 2,400bps or higher modem and will include illustrations and other graphics as well as text, and link all related information from any source – get me everything you’ve got on OS/2 and Windows NT (groan); it will be able to do many tasks at once while organising information graphically; pricing for service is not yet set.