As a result of the purchase, Autonomy’s contact center clients are now able to take advantage of an off-site, hosted archiving solution for storing, managing and retrieving customer call center recordings.

The offering is based on Autonomy’s etalk Qfiniti recording system and Zantaz Digital Safe, which is an archiving software as a service (SaaS) solution. This provides customers with a secure storage facility for their audio files, and more importantly allows them to discover and retrieve these files to satisfy e-discovery requests.

Autonomy’s etalk hosted archiving solution provides organizations with an unlimited amount of storage space in which to archive, search and retrieve voice and screen recordings. The solution integrates with Qfiniti, which means that users can search, access, and playback archived recordings using the Qfiniti interface.

Regulatory compliance does not just demand the retention of written content, but also other forms of unstructured information including audio recordings.

Many organizations retain this type of content in their internal archives along with other types of content that must be retained. However, if it is to be retained in the long-term, it runs the same risk as other types of content, in that it will probably exist beyond the lifetime of both the application and the file format in which it was created. This is where a hosted approach could be advantageous, particularly one using Zantaz’s technology, as it is a company that specializes in retrieving and discovering legacy content for organizations.

One of the problems with archives is that, as organizations need to retain content for increasing periods of time, and the volume of content they need to retain increases, the amount of physical space needed for the archive becomes an issue, even if techniques such as compression and single instance storage are deployed in the archive. Using a hosted solution alleviates the problem, even if organizations adopt a hybrid approach and archive their written content internally, and use a hosted solution for other types of content, for example audio content and emails.

However, the problem with this approach is that separate searches will typically need to be made on the in-house archived content and the hosted content to satisfy a single discovery request. What organizations need to be able to do is to search across internal and external sources with a single action, and, with its own search engine, Autonomy should be able to provide this functionality.

Another area of synergy will be with Zantaz’s legal discovery software, which takes content already discovered using a search engine and enables legal teams to examine the content to determine its relevance to a discovery request. One of the issues for Autonomy in the past has been that, although it has innovative technology, it has lacked the front-end applications available from its competitors. Now however, combined with its search and speech analytics technologies, Zantaz’s archiving solutions will give Autonomy the tools it needs to compete effectively.

Source: OpinionWire by Butler Group (