Despite a Turkish court ruling to unblock YouTube in the country last week, the video streaming service still remains inaccessible.

Several publications revealed that the Turkish telecom regulator, the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK), would not unblock the site until ‘criminal content’ is taken out from YouTube.

BTK’s was cited in the Hurriyet Daily News stating that the measure blocking access to the Internet site remains in place.

"Some content in 15 links was removed, but YouTube blocked some other content only for Turkish users while leaving it open to other countries," the telecom regulator added.

"Since March 27, a total of 151 links have been located on the website broadcasting the same criminal content."

On April 4, a lower court in Ankara ruled that imposing ban on YouTube violated human rights and ruled to lift majority of the restrictions.

Turkey banned YouTube after a posting of illegitimate audio recordings of top secret security meeting over possible military intervention in Syria, which was referred by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan as part of an operation to oust him.

Previously, Turkey also banned Twitter, however it resumed services after the TIB lifted the ban on accessing the social messaging site.