A San Francisco-based federal court has announced that it will reconsider its decision on the removal of the trailer "The Innocence of Muslims" from YouTube, which sparked angry protest across the world.

The video triggered violence in many countries in 2012, as it said to be anti-Muslim. Cindy Lee Garcia, the actress in the clip, sued Google for hosting the clip on YouTube and violating her copyright.

Google argued that Garcia granted the producer a license to use her performance in "Innocence of Muslims." The search giant also claimed that Garcia did not have copyrightable interest in the clip, with a trial judge agreeing with Google.

However, after appealing in the 9th Circuit court in San Francisco, a panel of three judges ruled in favour of Garcia and asked Google to take the clip down.

The decision of the Federal Circuit did not go well, with content providers like Netflix stating that the ruling could encourage those who appear in an online video to remove the content according to their choice.

The court said that it will rehear the case with a bench of 11 judges.