YouTube has acquired RightsFlow, a New York-based company that will help it manage its music licensing.

YouTube, in its blog post, said by combining RightsFlow’s expertise and technology with YouTube’s platform, it hopes to more rapidly and efficiently license music on YouTube, meaning more music for you customers to enjoy and more money for the talented people producing the music.

"We’ve already invested tens of millions of dollars in content management technology such as Content ID and, with over 3,000 major media companies using it, we’ve come a long way in just a few years. But we want to keep pushing things forward," said YouTube, a Google unit.

RightsFlow, which is said to have a database of over 30 million songs, will through its database help YouTube find the businesses and people who hold rights to the work, including details like songwriters, publishers, performers and recording companies.

Financial details of the deal were not disclosed.