Google has made its Cardboard virtual reality (VR) headset available in the UK for just £15.

The headset can be purchased from the Google Store with an expected delivery time of one to two business days. Two Google Cardboards are also available to purchase for £25.

Google Cardboard features custom-designed, high-quality lenses for immersive visuals and a partially laminated body for durability.

It will allow users to build their own viewer from simple, low-cost components using specifications published by Google, or purchase a pre-manufactured one.

It supports most Android or iOS phones with screen sizes from 4 to 6 inches. The headset also features an interactive click button that works with all compatible phones.

The Cardboard SDKs for Android and Unity allow users to rapidly start creating VR apps or adapt their existing application for VR.

Announced in 2014, Google Cardboard has so far shipped more than five million units. More than 1,000 compatible applications had been published.

Apart from the UK, Google has also started selling the product in France and Germany. It is already available in the US.

Google has focused on releasing additional VR content since the launch of Cardboard. Currently, there are several VR apps and games to download from the Android store.

Reports suggest that Google will launch a new more sophisticated version of Cardboard later this year.

The new headset will reportedly have plastic casing and improved sensors and lenses, similar to Samsung’s Gear VR.

Earlier this year, Google formed its own VR business arm and appointed Clay Bavor to run the new division.

Bavor was Google’s VP for product management, and supervised some of the company’s most important products including Google Docs, Drive and Gmail.

Google has also invested in augmented reality startup Magic Leap, which is valued at $3.7bn.

According to estimete, the VR market is expected to break the $1bn barrier this year, as more than 2.5 million headsets are anticipated to be sold.