According to, Yahoo already has an existing agreement with Sony BMG, according to which SonyBMG provided video-on-demand license to Yahoo. The expansion of the existing relationship adds various other additional Sony BMG music videos to the Yahoo music catalog. The new agreement allows Yahoo to distribute Sony BMG content through applications and widgets that the portal’s users can embed in their own websites. The content can only be played through Yahoo’s branded player. In return, Sony BMG will receive a portion of the advertising revenue from Yahoo.

Efluxmedia reports that this agreement forms a part of the Sony BMG’s series of similar music video agreements that it made recently. During October 2007, the company announced that it would start offering videos on Also, the company has a deal in place with Google and with its video sharing website YouTube.

This agreement reflects the popularity of computer user-created videos, which often include copyrighted content. In October 2007, a coalition of major media and internet companies issued a set of guidelines requiring web portals that host user-generated videos to use filtering technology to block clips with unauthorized content from being posted. Those companies included Fox, CBS, NBC Universal, Walt Disney, MySpace, Viacom, and Microsoft.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates