Yahoo has confirmed plans to shut down its Classic Games including Yahoo Poker, Yahoo Pool and Yahoo Bingo services for Web and mobile devices on 31 December 2014.

The internet firm said in a statement: "As of December 31st, 2014, Yahoo Games will no longer offer the Yahoo Classic Games including Yahoo Poker, Yahoo Pool and Yahoo Bingo on web or mobile devices."

Yahoo has already started suspending several of its online parlour games due to modifications in supporting technologies and augmented security requirements, which made the games incompatible, insecure, and no longer executing accurately.

According to Forbes report, Yahoo’s latest revelation comes a month after it started promoting its Texas Hold’em portal directly on its football webpage.

However, Yahoo has left open the option of rolling out the new Texas Hold’em game in the future.

Players of Yahoo’s Texas Hold’em online poker game offered free chips as prizes, which could be used for further gaming purposes.