Yahoo! has opened new data centre in Lockport, New York, to minimise the impact on the environment.

Yahoo! said that the new data centre is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective data centre building, which combines data centre design and Lockport’s naturally cool climate to decrease its electricity use throughout the year.

The company said that the energy efficient building was recognised by the US Department of Energy (DOE) in 2010 with a sustainability grant of $9.9m.

The new data centre in Lockport will consume at least 40% less energy, and at least 95% less water than conventional data centres; saves energy to power approximately 300,000 CFL light bulbs for one year, running 24/7; and saves energy to power approximately 1.1 million laptops for a year.

The company said that the new data centre is designed as a long, narrow design of a chicken coop to encourage natural air flow 100% of the time, which results in an annualised average of less than 1% of the buildings’ total energy consumption being required to cool the facility.