Burlington, Massachusetts-headquartered Xylogics Inc has announced a new version of it MicroAnnex NCS dual-port communications server that will include built-in remote control software. Through an agreement with Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Funk Software Inc, Xylogics will bundle Funk’s Proxy, a network-based Windows remote control program, with MicroAnnex. According to Xylogics, this new capability will enable remote users to dial into a MicroAnnex NCS communications server, connect to their corporate Internet Packet Exchange network and control any personal computer residing on the network using Windows. Users choosing the new option will be able to dial in and connect to multiple host personal computer’s simultaneously, displaying and controlling a different host personal computer in each window opened, says the company. Security includes multi-level password protection and SecurID user authentification technology from Security Dynamics Inc. Xylogics adds that enhancement can reduce users ‘ dial-in downtime by off-loading data-intensive tasks, such as database searches, to other machines on the network while continuing to work with local applications on their remote personal computer. The company also claims that network managers using the Proxy server host add-on will be able to administer local area networks and support users remotely by establishing connections to multiple file servers simultaneously to monitor activity across the network. Proxy requires an Internet Packet Exchange network, and runs as a Windows 3.0 or 3.1 application in either standard or enhanced mode. A Proxy Master/Host licence covering four separate users is now offered free of charge with MicroAnnex NCS. The bundled product is out now at $1,000.