Xylan Corp has added FDDI fiber switching technology capabilities to its ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode OmniSwitch product line. Using category-two lasers over single-mode fiber optic cable, the new modules support distances of up to 40 km, says the company. This eliminates the need for repeaters that are normally required to drive FDDI signals over long distances. Xylan is targeting the modules at carriers building metropolitan area networks, and for corporations, universities and governmental organizations with large campuses. By coupling the new FDDI modules with Xylan’s X- Cell ATM cell switching technology, Xylan says its FDDI systems can be upgradeable to ATM at a later date. According to Xylan, the same switch will also support Gigabit Ethernet later this year. The new FSM-SH-1 single-port module costs $11,950; the new FSM-SH-2 dual-port module costs $18,950