XNET Technology Inc, Milpitas, California has unveiled the Series 1800 ParallelSwitch ServerHub switching hub board, which it says can increase network bandwidth sixfold by interfacing Fdirectly into the server bus. The offering comprises a six port, full-bandwidth Ethernet switching hub said to support up to 60Mbps total throughput, a ParallelSwitch-based switching fabric, and an AT/EISA host interface. According to XNET, the board increases throughput by adding six new ports to an existing server or by dedicating an individual port to a specific device, such as another server. Multiple boards can be used in a server to create higher throughput systems, it adds. The Series 1800 is said to be compatible with Novell Inc NetWare operating systems and support SNMP for remote network management. AT bus versions of the product, targeted at 20 to 100 port Ethernet networks, will ship in volume in April at $2,488 for 10Base-T and $2,688 for BNC; volume shipments of the EISA variant will be in May, with the 10Base-T model at $2,988 and the BNC model at $3,288.