Streaming video specialist, Xing Technology has launched StreamWorks, which enables unidirectional internet broadcasting of full-screen, full-motion MPEG video. StreamWorks 3.10 enables content providers and corporations to deliver digital video and audio over existing IP networks, including broadband. It also provides management functions including scheduling of broadcasts and capturing transmitted data StreamWorks components include the StreamWorks Server, which enables the real-time delivery of MPEG audio and video data over TCP/IP multicast or unicast enabled networks; StreamWorks Player, which is a software decoding application that lets the desktop PC work as a personalized television set; and MPEGLive Encoder, a turn-key system for encoding analog audio and video sources into MPEG streams. Earlier this year Xing announced its software only real-time MPEG compression technology, XingMPEG Encoder 2.1, which it says will reduce the cost of multimedia applications requiring high-quality video (CI No 3,337).