Kingston MediaStream, the advanced satellite communications services division of the Kingston Communications Group, has announced that Xerox Europe will ultimately migrate the broadcast of its business television channel, ‘XTV’, direct to employee desktops via satellite enabled IP streaming. The new approach will transform the way employees can access e-learning programmes, as well as live, real time, streamed corporate broadcasts and video on demand files digitally stored at Kingston MediaStream’s co-location facilities.

XTV is currently broadcast to over 200 locations across Europe, providing training programmes and corporate information to over 5,000 sales staff in 21 different countries. The IP streaming project is the next stage of an existing partnership between the two companies; Kingston MediaStream is currently responsible for the production and broadcast of XTV using its TV Facilities and Satellite divisions based in Gerrards Cross.

XTV has proved so successful that other companies have asked me how we are doing it. We are already working with Kingston MediaStream to develop a strategy to move XTV to the desktop and integrate it into the Xerox Virtual Learning Environment. said Ian Sellars, Manager, XE&GB Education and Learning Support Services. Migrating to IP streaming as a means of delivery is a logical progression. By bringing training right to the desktop we will enable all 19,000 employees across Europe to access training resources at all times, whether live or pre-recorded, using Internet technology. It opens the door to radical new e-learning opportunities where speed of delivery and knowledge sharing is of the essence.

Formed in February 1999, XTV channel is the result of a close working relationship between the multinational document company and Kingston MediaStream to create, produce and transmit programmes targeted at key audiences within Xerox. Programming includes studio-based presentations, magazine-style shows and documentaries, plus new-look training content recorded in Kingston MediaStream’s advanced 3D virtual studio.

Kingston MediaStream utilises its diverse technical capabilities and facilities to provide a unique one stop shop approach; providing everything from production and editing facilities through to transmission and downlinking via satellite direct to client premises.

The one-stop shop approach is a real differentiator in choosing Kingston MediaStream. By additionally utilising its IP services, we can now create, produce and transmit programmes globally direct to our employees from one location, continued Sellars. The dedication, commitment and technical expertise we’ve received from Kingston MediaStream has been outstanding. They don’t just walk the extra mile: they run.

The Xerox Europe project is a clear indication of how successful our one-shop-stop approach to corporate communications solutions is, said Antoinette Hunter, Head of Enterprise Services at Kingston MediaStream. It is proof that our TV Facilities expertise coupled with our IP Streaming technology know how is a winning combination that can deliver cost-effective global communications solutions for enterprises.