The XAPIA X400 Application Program Interface Association has decided to accept the role of electronic mail peace-maker. As reported earlier this year, Microsoft offered XAPIA its MAPI work as the basis for building mail-enabled applications. It also suggested that the Association take submissions from other groups, an oblique reference to the competing, Lotus Development Corp-led Vendor Independent Messaging group. After a couple of weeks’ pondering over whether it wants to be drawn into what has been a fairly acrimonious dispute, the Association issued a statement last week outlining its comprehensive strategy to address user requests for a single, standard messaging API. The strategy in question comprises a three-part plan that kicks off with a technical subcommittee which will meet in Dallas on July 21 to try and thrash out a simple send command. A user discussion session will follow at the Electronic Mail Association meeting on August 12. Finally in October, XAPIA says that it will present a strawman API for perusal and discussion by users and vendors. The Vendor Independent Message Group had said earlier that it would submit its work to XAPIA.