Sausalito, California-based The Writing Tools Group has launched Correct Grammar International Edition, one of those infernal grammar and style checking applications, with a British English dictionary alongside the American English one; WordStar International Inc is handling marketing, but the trouble with style checkers is that whenever you set them lose on what has been accepted for decades or centuries as great writing, they start picking holes in it and start insisting that no-one without a Master’s Degree in English could make head or tail of it: now one thing that would be useful and might even sell like hot cakes or set the world alight would be a cliche-spotter, which would keep an eagle eye out for multiple usages of the same tired phrases, and on the fourth repetition would gently suggest that something else might make the passage bright as a button; until there is such a thing, Computergram subscribers will have to put up with endless repetitions of San Jose, California-based…