Worldwide purpose-built backup appliance (PBBA) has reported a revenue of $655.3m in third quarter of 2012, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC).

The increase is reported to be about 6.4% to $655.3m in 2012 third quarter, up from the $567.5m compared to the corresponding quarter of 2011.

The capacity of PBBA has increased to 366,956TB, an increase of 37.5% compared to the same quarter in 2011.

EMC led with 66.6% revenue share of the overall PBBA market, followed by IBM and Symantec with 10.8% and 6.8% respectively, while the revenue share of HP and IBM had declined in the third quarter of 2012.

Data Protection and Recovery research director Robert Amatruda said that the total worldwide PBBA market remained flat in the third quarter of 2012 over the prior year.

"We believe the leveling off of revenue growth in the worldwide PBBA market in the third quarter of 2012 is a short-term phenomenon with customers defering spending on data protection and recovery products."

"Customers will continue to embrace PBBAs to improve their backup windows and recovery time objectives or modernize their backup infrastructure," Robert added.