UK based secure enterprise collaboration applications provider Workshare has acquired IdeaPlane, an enterprise social network for highly regulated industries.

The acquisition will provide Workshare customers with a collaboration and communication application by integrating IdeaPlane’s social networking features into Workshare’s collaboration platform.

IdeaPlane’s customisable social networking platform can be securely deployed across regulated organisations, the company said.

The enterprise social networking firm will enhance the Workshare platform with enhanced social networking features, including status updates, the promotion of important events, news and content, email notifications and the creation of open, closed and secret groups.

In addition, the enterprise administration features of the enterprise social networking firm will allow companies to manage and moderate the network.

Workshare CEO Anthony Foy said IdeaPlane’s integration into the Workshare product portfolio allows it to meet its customer requirements for ultra-secure social networks that maintain the integrity of data and IP security mandates set by an organisation.

"Our combined platform will allow organizations to monitor, manage and closely control the social network being used within their organizations while facilitating collaboration and the exchange of information and ideas," Foy said.