WordStar International Inc, Novato, California has announced two strategic alliances designed to capture market share in the laptop computer market. Firstly, the company reports, WordStar Laptop Collection software is to be bundled with the Altima LSX notebook computer from Altima Systems Inc. Secondly, in Japan, Fujitsu is to include WordStar in its read-only memory card product line for use with the Fujitsu FMRS laptop. The bundled Altima LSX, which includes the WordStar Laptop Collection internal Hayes-compatible 2400 baud modem with send-facsimile capability and a 40Mb internal hard drive, costs $3,200. The WordStar Laptop Collection contains WordStar Laptop Edition, a special laptop version of WordStar 6.0, Traveling Software Inc’s LapLink Special Edition which enables easy file exchange between laptop and desktop computers, and Campbell Services Inc’s OnTime, a full-featured calendar and scheduling program. Bought separately, WordStar Laptop Collection is $300. WordStar Japan has developed WordStar Notebook, a special read-only memory card edition of WordStar, which will be installed on memory cards in Fujitsu FMRS portable computers and distributed through Fujitsu wholesalers and the four major distributors in Japan. WordStar Japan has launched two new laptop versions of WordStar which are designed for NEC Corp personal computers and Toshiba Corp J-3100 laptops.