Wordperfect Corp has changed the name of its office software package, Wordperfect Office 4.0a, to WordPerfect Symmetry 4.1 simply because it has been upgraded (CI No 2,423). As the name change obviously suggests the new software has enhanced functionality. The new version has a common interface shared across multiple environments and operating systems. WordPerfect boast that Symmetry has 28 new products and 22 product upgrades to Office 4.0a. These include client support for 12 computing environments, including HP-UX, AIX, Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix and Unix System V.4 for iAPX-86, five remote operating systems, 10 servers and 23 gateways. WordPerfect believe it is the most open and scalable offering in cross-system electronic messaging. Support for Simple Messaging Application Programming Interface has been added to the Windows client which enables users to mail any other third party using Simple MAPI. Prices are not yet set. Wordperfect has also upgraded its mobile messaging capabilities with Remote Symmetry 4.1 for Windows and MS-DOS and is developing a telephone link-up to the messaging system to enable users to send electronic mail over the telephone and have it converted to text. The response to the message can be faxed directly to the sender or converted back into a spoken message. Availability is midsummer.