Witness Systems has announced the launch of a new version of its eQuality solution.

Witness’ new version of eQuality and its Enterprise Collaboration architecture offers a series of enhancements to its current offering. These include a browser-based interface, which allows authorized users to make full use of the system using a standard web browser.

The new system also allows 100% recording, while previous systems could only record a minority of calls. Because of this, advanced business rules can be implemented to decide which calls to keep based on events that happen during the call. Previously, recordings had to be triggered by data available before the call commenced. Witness has also added the ability to send exerts from customer contacts by attaching them to email. In combination, these features enable the call records to be used by a much broader range of people within the business.

Most call recording vendors have been trying to move from just offering agent improvement functions towards being part of a CRM strategy. Although there has been much hype around the use of recordings in CRM, most installations that move beyond dispute resolution concentrate mainly on agent improvements and other local call center development. Rightly so, as this is where the evidence from recorded calls can be used most productively and most quickly. However, there is the potential for this information to be used in other business functions, to provide marketing, product design or business development departments with customer feedback in their own words.

Most of Witness’ competitors have always provided a 100% recording architecture, given their background in logging calls for legal compliance. Witness is the market leader in pure quality assurance applications and the EC architecture gives Witness the same high volume recording capacity as the competition.

Witness’ announcement is only one of a series of recent product announcements made by the main recording vendors. All vendors are seeking to round out their product offerings and to expand their ability to both deliver real improvements in call center operations and move information up the enterprise.