San Jose, California company Wireless Logic Inc will this month start shipping what is claimed as the first low-cost Spread Spectrum Communications Processor chip. Aimed at the 900MHz cordless telephone market, the processor consists of the S3P Spread Spectrum Signal Processor; microcontroller and RF transceiver. It is said to support full-duplex voice links and as well as the cordless telephony market, is being aimed at applications such as secured voice links, wireless headsets and low-speed wireless data communications. The S3P is a single-chip, direct-sequence signal processor integrated into a single ASIC using a signal processing engine, with support for hundreds of communications channels, seven million security codes and extended transmission distances. Called the WLT9010 S3P, the processor will cost $16 in quantities of 10,000. The new WLT9510 RF Transceiver Module which is based on the US Federal Communications Commission’s 15.247 standards, is said to achieve high processing gain immunity to jamming interference and high signal-to-noise performance, and will cost $350 in unit quantities.