Radio-based local area networks were one of the more exciting products on show at the Networks ’91 exhibition in Birmingham last week. Crawley, Sussex-based Telecom Systems Ltd – is distributing Radiolink, a wireless network from California Microwave Inc, Sunnyvale, for which Information Technology Security International Ltd, Welwyn Garden City is the master distributor for Europe. Telecom Systems says the product will be the first radio-based local area network to be licensed in the UK, as it transmits over the 2.412GHz to 2.438GHz frequency allocated by the Department of Trade & Industry. Telecom Systems says that it will not be attempting to take market share from traditional local network sites, but looking for new applications that are particularly suited to the wireless technology. These include building sites and shops – where furniture is often being moved around. The system was installed at the retailing chain Marks & Spencer Plc by ICL Plc, another distributor, to connect point-of-sale tills to a central store controller (CI No 1,655). Radiolink uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum technology, to V24, X21, and Ethernet, with a range of 500 to 800 feet within buildings. Another wireless contender at Networks ’91 was Arlan, being distributed by ChaseCom Ltd for Canadian company Telesystems Inc. As with NCR Corp’s WaveLan, Arlan was designed for transmission at 915MHz, the frequency used in the US, but reserved here for cellular telephone operators, but 2.4GHz versions of both wireless local networks are on the way. London-based ChaseCom, which is a subsidiary of Telesystems, says typical users of its radio networks are likely to include airports, building sites and listed buildings.