The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has set out its ‘Digital Agenda,’ a nine-point plan to tackle Intellectual Property issues related to internet commerce. Among issues covered was the extension of WIPO’s 1996 copyright treaties to include audiovisual and broadcasting signals. The organization will continue to work towards winning compatible regulation for internet domain names as for trademarks.

The organization will bring its 171 national offices into the WIPOnet umbrella, a network allowing the public and WIPO’s branches to access IP information. The tender for the network is currently being debated, Francis Gurry, assistant director general said it would be in place during the second half of next year.

Having set up the network, WIPO intends to add features later in the year on online licensing, with the IP organization acting as a centralized website for questions. Surfers wanting to license museum images or download music tracks can go there, Gurry said, and be directed to the appropriate site. WIPOnet wants to become a center for internet trademark filing.