Wincor Nixdorf’s Platform Security Agent (PSA), which was developed using Cisco Security Agent (CSA), helps secure self-service system platforms against network and local attacks, helping banks protect against the increasing frequency of threats to their self-service systems.

As banks begin to embrace web 2.0 paradigms and offer ATM devices that act as multimedia self-service kiosks running on converged IP networks, Wincor Nixdorf’s reliance on Cisco and CSA can help them strengthen security for customers. This is especially critical as today’s banks are having to defend against increasing instances of unpredictable and unknown network attacks.

Virus scanning software and firewalls can only protect networks against known attacks. However, the new product from Wincor Nixdorf and Cisco makes it possible to pre-empt attacks before they are carried out. PSA thwarts local attacks – such as modifications to the system or manipulation of the software – that are carried out via portable storage media, as well as network attacks like Trojans and spyware.

The technology works on the principle that anything that is not explicitly allowed is forbidden and continually monitors a wide spectrum of applications and operating systems. All non-authorized actions are graded as threats and the affected application is deleted from memory. This process hinders the unauthorized download of new software to the ATM network and keeps attackers from making changes to existing software components.

Effective immediately, Wincor Nixdorf will integrate the PSA as an additional security module in its self-service system platform.